RPG Review: Tales of Zestiria

I want those 28 hours of my life back. ( ´_ゝ`)

We had the displeasure of playing this god awful game that I want to erase out of my mind. Fortunately, it was extremely forgettable and on top of that I ended up ragequitting 75% into the game and watching the remaining cut scenes on youtube. 😬 As usual, Kanade’s commentary will be in blue.

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RPG Review: Tales of Vesperia -Definitive Edition-

So after playing Tales of Arise I got sucked into the Tales universe after another crazy Steam sale where these games, normally $50, were like $8 lol. I first began with Tales of Symphonia, but I basically ended up ragequitting after 1 night of archaic JRPG bullshittery and moved on to Vesperia. Fortunately Vesperia came with 2 free DLCs that boosted my stats and gave me crafting items to make weapons that I don’t get until end game if I were to do it the legit way. 😈 As usual my husband’s comments are in blue.

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Game Review: Sonic Forces

I had originally bought Sonic 4 episodes 1 and 2 and this one on a Steam sale back in February. Unfortunately Sonic 4 episode 1 made me want to puke from the camera and I couldn’t be bothered to deal with episode 2 but it was too late to refund. I decided to give Sonic Forces a shot since I couldn’t get it refunded anyway…but I’m kinda glad I did. It was short but kinda enjoyable with some cool bgms.

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RPG Review: Lightning Returns

And so finishing up my May of Final Fantasy I bring you my Lightning Returns review! As usual spoilers ahead! Also fortunately unlike the last disaster, I actually really enjoyed this game so there isn’t gonna be that much rage 😂

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