Otome Game Review: Cupid Parasite ~Sweet and Spicy Darling~

This is the fandisk to Cupid Parasite featuring after stories that take place post the first game. The review will be have spoilers hidden behind openable text blocks so it will be easier to scroll through. I’m trying this new format to make the posts enjoyable by more people! As usual though, if you want to go in completely blind it’s best to avoid reviews anyway. ( ̄▽ ̄)

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Otome Game Review: Bustafellows Season 2

The story takes place right after the true ending of the first game where Adam has returned to Russia for treatment and Teuta and Luka have made up and talk things out and face their past. Depending on the cat name you pick you begin the story with one of the guys as your boyfriend. The story focuses on the human trafficking incidents stemming from the fire in Basoalto that happened 7 years prior. As usual detailed summary with spoilers ahead so skip to my final thoughts if you intend to play the game.

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Guest Review: Bustafellows

Alrighty, so this time there’s no snide comment like “siiiiiigh, well at least this was in the Christmas sale so I was only forced to pay a dollar for it.” I spent basically full price this time for Buster Fellas! It was released on Steam over the summer and I just waited until they released a patch for it. I managed to get about halfway through it before Endwalker hit, but now that we’re in a bit of a lull there I fired it back up to finish it up. Again, as usual spoilers, etc.

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Otome Game Review: Beast Darling

Kazuha is an animal magnet, so when her parents go to work overseas and leave her in Japan (as every manga anime plot would have it) she goes to live in a dorm based school. Unfortunately they have a no pet policy so the constant cats and pigeons and the like coming there piss off the landlord. Just then her pet cat Futaba who happens to be a Nekomata, tells her about a dorm where she will fit right in. Turns out the school has a dormitory full of humans who have a “beast” curse where they are on the brink of turning into an animal they are cursed by. Futaba has a magical seal on her neck that when the animal boys touch it, it can suppress the wild animal within~ 😂

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