Guest Review: Men of Yoshiwara: Kikuya (Gyakuten Yoshiwara)

A long time ago, I sold all the Steam cards that I got from idling in games while doing chores to Russian money launderers and eventually saved up enough money to buy Men of Yoshiwara: Kikuya during a Steam sale for like 90% off. Then I promptly forgot that I did this, because as we all know you’re not supposed to actually play the games that you buy during Steam sales…until finally deciding to return to my backlog after all the other games I was playing like FFXIV got put on hiatus due to the roni.

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Otome Game Review: Office Lovers

This was originally on D3P’s smakare app but I never got to it before the app shut down so I picked up during a steam sale. I just want to go ahead & say this is the WORST SmaKare game I have played to date and I can’t believe I sat through the entire thing 😂😂. And now I bring you a review full of ranting and profanity because this game is filthy. You have been warned!

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SmaKare Game Review: Sensei, Ikenai koto tte nandesuka?


 Anyway this time, my randomly generated heroine Tsugimoto Hitomi is a 17 year old high school girl whose boyfriend is a dickface rapist that forces her to have sex with him in the classroom a month after they’ve started going out. When Hitomi refuses, he dumps her on the spot (well good riddance to that piece of human garbage!) Fortunately to help dry her tears (or in my eyes, cause further trauma), she has 5 hot teachers ready to do all sorts of forbidden things! 😆

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SmaKare Game Review: Secret Pet ~In Heat~


Amagawa Matsuko has been going out with her boyfriend Reito for 6 months but one day he wants to break up. He doesn’t give her a reason and just dumps her on the spot, leaving her to go home and cry. She goes back home and is comforted by her pet dog George. Her parents own a pet shop so she also has a pet cat, parrot, pot belly pig and a black lop ear rabbit. The next day she wakes up to find that her loveable pets have turned into 4 HOT GUYS YEAAAHHH and of course being her loveable pets, THEY ALL FIGHT FOR HER AFFECTION! \( ^o^)/ Now Matsuko gets to choose which one of her furry friends she can get cozy with to forget her jerkass boyfriend.

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