Otome Game Review: Bustafellows Season 2

The story takes place right after the true ending of the first game where Adam has returned to Russia for treatment and Teuta and Luka have made up and talk things out and face their past. Depending on the cat name you pick you begin the story with one of the guys as your boyfriend. The story focuses on the human trafficking incidents stemming from the fire in Basoalto that happened 7 years prior. As usual detailed summary with spoilers ahead so skip to my final thoughts if you intend to play the game.

Limbo Scott Fitzgerald – Limbo is asked to be a defense lawyer for some kid who murdered 3 people while his law school friend Ricardo is on the prosecution side. In between there’s some cute moments between Limbo and Teuta but very few and far between. Limbo gives her keys to his pent house and she also finds out that he plans to open a law firm in Los Angeles and now she has to decide whether to stay in New Sieg or go with him. There’s also this side plot that Marshes,  the ex-lover of Limbo’s sister Valerie is also the judge on Limbo’s case. Limbo dosn’t want him anywhere near his sister cause the dude is married with a kid but claims his marriage is falling apart so it’s ok to use Valerie as his side lover. Good end: Limbo tricks the gang into admitting on a hidden camera during the trial that Marshes is the one behind manipulating the trial. Valerie arrests him and they decide to start the trial over with a different judge. Valerie smashes the hammer as case dismissed and afterwards she says she doesn’t want to be a judge even though they wanted to promote her. She claims that the robe is ugly and she doesn’t want to wear it. 😂

Meanwhile Limbo and Teuta talk out their repressed feelings about how Limbo got jealous that she always had fun with the other guys after he was tired from work but his pride was too high to say anything. They end up making out and banging at his big ass pent house apartment. Limbo and Teuta go on vacation to Los Angeles. They even visit Sakrada, the place where the other game Sidekicks took place. 😂 One evening Limbo sends everyone off on a dinner on him so he could have Crow’s house all to himself. Unfortunately the cat is still there and cockblock’s Limbo’s marriage proposal to Teuta. 😂 All the guys get home and see Limbo and Teuta ichaichaing in the pool in their clothes and are awkwardly standing there like “should we tell them we’re back? 😂😂😂”.  Bad End: Limbo screws up the evidence gathering and is banned from litigation work. He gets so depressed and feels like his entire life is over so he breaks up with Teuta. Oh noeess I cannot live without being a crooked lawyer weeehhh. 🥹

The entire route was so pointless and disappointing. It can be summarized like “Limbo solves a case, makes it in the top 10 hot lawyers ranking while getting his sister to kick her ex to the curb and realizing he needs to spend time with his girlfriend Teuta.” Seriously that was it that’s the route. The romantic scenes were very out of the blue with no lead in and they were very short and unsatisfying TBH. Most of the romantic CGS were just closeup of their heads so there was very little interesting variety. I’m not a Limbo fan or anything but compared to the first game this was just a let down especially considering they could have taken advantage of Kenn’s voice acting to make more the romantic scenes a little more sexy. 😔 Limbo also felt a lot more fun in other people’s routes than in his own where he was a weird siscon lol.

Shu Lyn O’keefe – In this route since Teuta isn’t dating rich lawyer man, she decides to take a part time job at Paraiso Garage. All the guys say that Teuta is spending too much time hanging out with Juno but like Shu doesn’t really hang out with her either and is always just focusing on his work so 🤷‍♀️. He claims he no longer accepts any hitman gigs and only does investigation stuff. Teuta acts all upset that Shu isn’t jealous of her and Juno but Shu is so confident in her feelings for him he’s just like “do you even have other options 😂✌️😎”.  For some reason Teuta was so whiny and bratty I’m Shu’s route to get his attention it almost made her annoying. Just like in Limbo’s route the lack of communication from either side made the whole thing so frustrating. Like come on you’re dating already why do you constantly hold back your feelings for one another. 😩 Up until this part of the route I was getting bored and frustrated but then suddenly it got really good. Shu reunited with his mom’s old friend Fallon who trained both Shu and Yang when they were younger. He basically acts like Shu’s dad as he stays with them at Crow’s place. Shu doesn’t know this at the time and suddenly he gets info from a DEA lady named Kim that Fallon might be trying to sell off him, Yang and Teuta to a drug cartel. Fallon meanwhile goes mia and one day calls out for Shu to meet up with him. Unfortunately a sniper is waiting for them outside the cabin and as Fallon tells Shu about his father Ray Lynn they all get shot with Teuta as the only survivor. After she comes out of her death coma, she jumps in time into Yang’s body and with Guero they rush to the cabin and Teuta fires shots outside into the air to scare the sniper away and to make Shu and co run for cover.

Teuta’s cute waitress outfit that they totally ripped off one of the Bustafellows collab cafes lol

Everyone immediately leaves the cabin and goes to Guero’s place where Teuta explains what happened. Fallon then adds that his father Ray was connected to a drug cartel because he was kind of born into it. He was then arrested, on the accusation of killing a DEA officer, for 10 years after which he died in prison. But the truth is Ray never died, in fact he’s alive and he’s Fallon. I had basically guessed Fallon was Shu’s dad cause their eye and hair color was very similar 😂. Fallon then said he never killed the DEA officer and in fact this person was his friend Joy. In fact Fallon betrayed the gang by cooperating with him because he had joined the gang undercover and they found out and killed her.  He met Shu’s mom while he was working for the cartel and had instantly fallen for her. Not too long after she was pregnant with Shu he got thrown in jail and Shu’s mom didn’t want him to be a gang child so she cut off contact with him. The DEA Kim helped him get out of jail by creating the story that “Ray” died and having Fallon live under a new identity. He also agreed to help Kim find the person who was Joy’s real killer. Turns out Joy’s killer was another DEA because every time Fallon had a lead the info would vanish and any informants would get killed. Fallon figured out Kim was behind it all along and just using him to get connections to the drug gang. Fallon also reveals he’s probably going to die soon because he’s got a pretty far gone case of lung cancer that’s spread throughout the rest of his body. Anyway they trick Kim into believing the Yang wants to make a deal with her but instead they rat her out to the drug gang instead and they’re basically like lol we’re gonna kill you now. Fallon tells her to take her gun and run away or she will end up just like the Joy that got killed because of her.

After this Fallon says he doesn’t want treatment for his disease and he just wants to go off and quietly die somewhere. Shu and Yang sneak him out of the hospital and back to his shack in the woods. He gives Shu his necklace which has a tiny piece of bone from Joy since his body was so mangled and destroyed by the gang. He asks Shu to bring it to his family in New Sieg. After they go to Fallon’s shack, he drinks the remaining pills in his medicine case and it’s clear he’s about to die. He lays down on the couch and tells Yang that he adopted him as a baby from a woman named Yonfa. Shu tells his father that he’s fine now and he has his own family now so he can go rest in peace. After hearing this Fallon closed his eyes and quietly passed away. 😭 The next day they have a funeral for him and they buried him near that shack by the lake. Before the funeral they go to Joy’s family’s house to bring the necklace but his wife is furious and even after hearing the truth about Ray, she rages and tells them to never come here again. They have a funeral similar to the one they had when Shu reunited with Fallon – everyone just drinking and mourning at a bar. Shu took Fallon’s PDA and called and invited every person he could reach on it. In a surprise turn of events, Joy’s widowed wife shows up too and says she will take her husband’s necklace remains. She says she doesn’t believe Shu but remembered that when her husband called her, he told her he had one friend in the gang he could rely on who would “pick up his bones if he died”. 🥲

After the funeral Shu and Teuta go to where Fallon’s house is in Roanoke  and they cuddle outside by the lake in a blanket talking about his past with his parents. Shu then tells Teuta that he will always be a part of her world. A couple days later when Teuta is working her waitress job some persistent dude named Justin hits on her but then Shu comes over and tells him to GTFO 😂😂. Carmen tells Teuta to leave early and forces Shu to hand over a juicy tip instead. 🤣 After they both leave Teuta asks Shu to hold hands and they decide to go back to the Roanoke house for a one night trip where they listen to some old records and have sexy times. 👁️👁️ Honestly at first I was so annoyed at Shu basically ignoring Teuta’s romantic advances and her being so whiny about it but in the end I was reminded again about how he’s pretty subtle about his feelings for her even though he loves her a lot more than he shows. In the bad end, Teuta wakes up too late and Shu dies. Teuta then keeps trying to jump back in time to save him but can’t go back far enough.

Helvetica does not drive so he can play with his smartphone

Helvetica Orsted – Helvetica’s route begins on a morbid note where he is basically at one of those drug addicts anonymous groups because he is still in a cycle of buying drugs but realizing he shouldn’t take them and then immediately throwing them out again. 🫢 His clinic has been closed and he’s just finishing post op care for any remaining patients. Instead Helvetica now works as a regular surgeon at the hospital and sometimes he has to be on ER duty. As expected during their private time Helvetica has the lewdest kiss cg ಠ⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಠ. One day in the park Teuta sees some guy being bullied by some gang members so she pretends to call the police to scare them off. When she goes to talk to the guy, whose name is Juana, he starts reciting various plant names to calm himself down as if he has mental disorder. She ends up befriending him but it’s difficult to talk to him since he will get overstimulated and start reciting sets of plants again. He mentions that on his newspaper delivery route he used to meet another guy but he stopped seeing him one day and for most people it’s not a big deal but for him the change in routine felt like the end of the world. Since Teuta’s parents are back in New Sieg, Helvetica asks to meet them and the 4 of them have dinner together. Turns out Helvetica got their favorite food and white wine and her parents like him immediately lol. 😂

After they drop the parents off at home and come back to Crow’s place, Helvetica ends up talking to Shu while smoking a cigarette. For some reason the entire experience left him depressed and suddenly he feels like he isn’t worthy of Teuta compared to her childhood friend Adam. Umm what?? Since when do you care about Adam wtf. ರ⁠_⁠ರ Turns out it’s because Helvetica had Adam’s treatment file in his room and Teuta found it. She then takes the file to Sauli, who as we saw in the last game, was treating Adam’s brain tumor. Teuta says she hates Sauli but asks him to continue to be a “father” for Helvetica and see him on Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays. Eventually Helvetica reopens his plastic surgery clinic and they have a celebration party. However Teuta is late because she gets arrested trying to get the officers not to arrest Juana who’s in the middle of drug delivery. In the meantime Helvetica’s celebration comes to a halt because his best clinic staff Renee decides to sue him. Turns out she just wants money and is using the excuse that “he wouldn’t promote me because I adopted a child and cut my work hours!!” 🙄 Helvetica answers that the only reason he didn’t promote her is that she cut her work hours and his clinic required someone who could work full time, not part time, to be manager. It has nothing to do with becoming a mother, the reason could have been anything but the point is that the candidate needed to work full time. He wins the trial but he doesn’t want Renee to quit so he offers her options to continue working even though she has a child now.

Well at least it wasn’t from the OTHER END.

So because of what happened with Juana the drug gang now thinks Teuta is also working as a “delivery” person and when she tries to get help from the police, yet once again a drug lord is working there as an insider. He threatens her life and those of anyone close to her if she doesn’t deliver the drugs. She ends up telling Helvetica the truth and he says that if she can’t trust the cops, to rely on the Bustafellows gang instead. 😎 Unfortunately when Teuta stops by Helvetica’s place the next day he’s being held at gunpoint by Juana and turns out the whole “poor autistic child” thing was just an act. In fact he killed the original Juana who did have autism, and then stole his identity and put on the act. He’s a huge asshole and he hits Helvetica on the head with his gun several times, that after he leaves, Teuta calls an ambulance to take Helvetica to the ER. Juana had Teuta touch a gun and then used that gun to kill someone so that her fingerprints and DNA would be in it and she would be falsely accused. Guero tells Teuta and co to hide in one of their private residences and to not contact anyone but him for a while. He’s helping out cause he owes Limbo one and because he’s tired of all these noob gang members coming in from other states and not respecting the New Sieg gang rules lol.  Unfortunately on the way a police car stops them but it’s not just any police it’s the insider who threatened Teuta at the police station. He tasers both Teuta and Helvetica and takes them to some abandoned warehouse where Juana is holding other hostages. Juana then tells them they have to bring 19 bags of cocaine to the airport but obviously to make it through security the only way to “bring” it is inside the body.

Helvetica obviously has experience doing this and begs Juana to let him do it because Teuta would probably just overdose and die. Helvetica eats all of the packets and is still able to somehow act normal at the airport. 😢🤢 They make it through the security check and then go into a room where he pukes up all 19 packets. They even HAD A CG FOR THIS SCENE LIKE DAMN WHY CAN’T HELVETICA GET A BREAK IN THESE GAMES. 😭😭😭 Low key glad though he didn’t have to shove the medicine up his butt though…that somehow sounds even more disgusting but regardless I can’t believe they did this in the plot aaaaa. 😱😱😭🫣 Helvetica then apologizes to Teuta in advance and goes to hit on some lady at the cafe and while she’s like kya ikemen he steals her car keys to “borrow” to try and escape to ask Guero and others for help. Idk couldn’t he just used a payphone instead or something?? 🤔 Anyway they grab some food at the convenience store and head to a nearby ragged motel. There Helvetica dyes his hair black and Teuta cuts her hair in a bob to try to look different from all the airport cameras. Helvetica was like nooo you didn’t have to do that but tbh?? She looked super cute with it like that! 😎 Also black haired Helvetica was kinda hot TBH 🤩. That night as they call Limbo and co for help, they lay in bed and Teuta blames herself for ever getting involved with Juana. Honestly as a New Yorker, no offense but if I saw what looked like an obvious drug gang harassment, I would either call the police or just walk far away. I would not talk directly to anyone involved let alone tell them everything about my life or where me and my family lives. Even Shu was like “holy shit dude” when he found out she told Juana everything. 😅

Teuta looks so much cuter with this bob hair what

They wake up to see police lights outside and since that fake drug insider is there too, they hijack and car and make a run for it but the cops shoot at them and during the chase they deflate one of the tires causing their car to crash and flip over. Teuta gets hurt and hospitalized and when she wakes up Helvetica is by her side telling her that Guero and co caught Juana’s cop lackey and everything is ok now. Guero later tells everyone that the Juana was spreading random drugs in New Sieg and overstepping on ther NS gang drug territory lol. Since they figure it’s bad to let Juana run around loose despite stopping the drug channel Helvetica invites him to his practice to make a deal. Helvetica offers to completely remake his face with plastic surgery so he can “kill Juana” and make him a new fake ID so that he can leave the drug delivery network he got sucked into. The bargain is that he must now never come near Helvetica or his friends again. Several weeks later, turns out Helvetica gave him surgery to look like a formerly wanted by FBI criminal named Victor Lau. The actual Victor Lau died years ago and thanks to Shu (who also earned a bounty from this lmao), Helvetica found the perfect candidate to change Juana into. LOL OWNED. 😂😂😂😂 Teuta is now finally also being released from the hospital after recovering from her injuries and Helvetica’s hair is back to his usual color.  Helvetica also finally calls Sauli and calls him his “dad” as a belated thanks for the flower he got during his clinic reopening. A few weeks later as Teuta and Helvetica are out on a date, they happen to run into the Manhattan Henge New Sieg Henge and they kiss in front of it. They throw a bachelorette party for Renee but the next morning Teuta wakes up in a hotel room with Carmen and with a mystery engagement ring on her hand that she can’t seem to remove. 🫢 They check out and go to a restaurant to try to figure out what to do, but then Helvetica shows up and he’s like the fuck’s this ring while Carmen makes a run for it. 😂😂 They get home and use hot water and oil to remove the ring but Helvetica is mad. They talk things out but I’m still sitting here like “who tf would put an expensive engagement ring anonymously” on her?? ಠ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ಠ

Teuta also admits that she also gets jealous of Helvetica around other women like when he randomly kissed a lady at a party or the fact that he comes home smelling like Renee’s perfume even though she knows there’s no chance Renee would ever NTR him lol. Helvetica gives Teuta a necklace and tells her to always wear it even if it’s under her clothes so that he can always be “near her heart”. In the bad end Teuta decides to swallow the cocaine bags herself but when they get to the airport she passes out. When she wakes up Limbo helps clear her of drug smuggling charges on the fact that she was a victim. Helvetica becomes so traumatized he relapses back into his drug addiction and nearly overdoses again. When he doesn’t respond to her messages Teuta gets terrified thinking he might have overdosed again and rushes to his house. She of course finds him once again abusing prescription drugs and tries to tell him that everything is fine, and Shu has killed Juana so Helvetica shouldn’t have anything to worry about anymore. He also hasn’t been going to his drug support group because he couldn’t stop thinking about how Teuta nearly died in his arms. Teuta tells him she will stop seeing him if that will help him get over the trauma and she breaks up with him. Anyway I get it was for the shock factor but was it even necessary for Teuta and Helvetica to go through the security check point?? Couldn’t they just have gotten to meet the guy outside the gate. I mean did they even have tickets? You need to show your boarding pass to go through that check point and they clearly were just there to deliver the drugs and immediately leave. 🤔

Maybe that’s why he gets along with Anna so well

Mozu Nile Shepherd – I had just finished Persona 5 after playing this game and since I loved Ren a lot and he has the same voice actor I was feeling extra pumped for this route. 🥰 Mozu has been taking a secret job of helping heal sick animals for a lady named Yara Davis who takes them in from bad situations or because they are so ill a regular vet can’t treat them. They were keeping the animals at his old sensei’s house since the grandpa is dying at a hospice so the house is empty. Mozu doesn’t have a vet license so he calls himself an underground doctor. He asks Teuta to help – in a sense where all she has to do is help clean up after the animals, feed them, play with them etc. He took this job because he wanted to help save lives. Yara also is doing this because she ran away from her wifebeater husband after divorcing him. Helvetica warns Teuta that Yara has a dependency love for Mozu rather than a romantic one even though she claims she is not interested in him that way. One day they have a discussion about donating their body parts to science upon death and Teuta says she doesn’t want Mozu to donate his eyes specifically because she doesn’t want the eyes who looked at her, to be used by anyone else. ♥️ They also go visit Teuta’s house since her parents are back in town again. While there Sid ends up drinking whiskey with Mozu, the whiskey he wanted to drink with Zora. Teuta’s parents don’t know the truth of what happened with him but they do know that the drugs and joining the gang made him a horrible person.

Bitch is craaaay…

One day Mozu’s work place gets a complaint from one of the relatives of some deceased people and they demand to get the bodies back without them being sliced open for autopsy. The family member requests they do a Virtopsy instead (virtual autopsy with image scanning). Mozu understands this technology is more accurate and can save time but he’s kinda stuck on his traditional method because that’s the technology that is being widely used now while Virtopsy is still new. It’s also thanks to the traditional method that Mozu was able to learn to pick up on signs of what may have happened vs the newbs who only rely on technology now. Anyway things get weird when Yara starts to try to copy Teuta by dying her hair blonde and cutting it short. She also wears it in a similar tie back style as Teuta and buys clothes similar to Teuta. She even asks Teuta info about how to become a journalist like her and cockblocks her dinner with Mozu by begging to go with her. Even Carmen and Alex comment how Yara looks like Teuta’s twin and Alex privately tells her he really doesn’t like Yara and she gives off bad vibes to him. If this whole thing wasn’t bad enough, Mozu’s long time sensei Archie Babcock, who he knew since he was a child with Yuzu, requests assisted suicide because he’s basically dying in a hospice and he’s tired of living in pain. He’s already asked Limbo to be his lawyer to allow him to override New Sieg’s law which states that assised voluntary suicide is illegal. Yara stops taking her meds and going to therapy and becomes yandere for Mozu, stalking him to his workplace and hugging him for attention. She then rambles how much she loves him and that she doesn’t want anything else but him. ರ⁠_⁠ರ Mozu tells her he doesn’t see her more than a friend and she freaks out.


Teuta knows Mozu won’t cheat on her but she gets really lonely and ends up getting drunk until she passes out at Paraiso with Luka and Juno. Luka uses Teuta’s phone to call Mozu to pick her up. He takes her back to Crow’s place and even removes her make up and while doing so he says he’s always only looking at her and then he kisses her forehead as she falls asleep again. 🥹 The next day Mozu finally decides to talk to Teuta and reveals that he’s been going to therapy and Yara actually goes to the same therapist as him. He’s been going just to make sure that he’s keeping himself mentally stable after hearing about what happened to Teuta and her brother.  He mentions that since he’s known Yara for some time he can tell when she’s not all right in the head and off her meds and she frequently would threaten to end her own life. Mozu wanted to help her so he offered to talk to her about it but now she’s become psychotically dependent on him and he realizes he should have let the doctor do this therapy instead. The next day when Teuta is helping Yara with the animals, Yara asks if she spent her day off with Mozu. She then goes psycho and smashes a glass cabinet and intentionally cuts herself, and when Mozu shows up she says Teuta pushed her. Jesus fucking christ I hate this psycho bitch trope LMAO. 😱💀

Please don’t disturb our sexy time ( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆)

Fortunately Mozu is the most logical man I’ve ever seen in this trope so he immediately tells Yara that Teuta would never do this. Yara gets more aggravated that nobody believes her and runs off with Mozu chasing after her before she does anything more crazy. Mozu comes back to the house and tells Teuta that he took Yara to the hospital cause she’s gone cray and he says he knows Teuta didn’t push her. He says that he just wanted to see her get better and improve her mental state because he feels like this psycho version is not her real self. Mozu’s phone battery died and when he charges his phone he has a million texts calls and voice mails from Yara being a crazy yandere psycho. All of them are her just going “I’m sorry I’m sorry” and one of the most recent ones it sounds like she’s about to jump in front of a train and kill herself. Mozu and Teuta jump into her car and ask Crow to use his AI to look up the location of where Yara called from. They find her underground in the subway platform sitting on one of the benches and she pulls out a taser that she bought to protect herself from her husband. She jumps on the train tracks just as a train comes but she isn’t hit because she stands in one of the grooves in the wall. (But tbh she would actually be dead if she was there cause that’s where the 3rd rail is and she would just die of electrocution 😅). They get Yara off the platform and hospitalize her and Mozu keeps visiting her while Teuta takes care of the animals.

Teuta’s dad is pretty wild looking but ehh rockstar things

Someone should have taken her phone away because while she’s hospitalized she starts sending tons of anonymous hate emails to Teuta’s column so her editor temporarily takes her column out of the rankings so she’s not immediately downvoted. When Teuta tells Mozu that she thinks it’s Yara instead of agreeing and taking her side, Mozu just tells Teuta to “be nicer to Yara” and to be fucking honest THIS MADE ME JUST AS UPSET AS IT DID TEUTA. LIKE DUDE ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TAKING THE SIDE OF THE CRAZY BITCH OVER YOUR GIRLFRIEND WHAT ARE YOU DOING (⁠ノ⁠ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ノ Teuta got so upset she just told Mozu to “take her time” and leaves crying and Mozu is like durr I don’t get it. When he goes to talk to his grampa sensei, he tells him that he hasn’t changed at all and tells him to stop thinking and just act on his feelings. Teuta goes to his work place in the rain and waits for him to get off. When he comes out she says she’s sorry for being so nasty the last few days and even though Mozu has a lot to say, he forgets everything he was going to say and instead says he’s getting off early and going home with her – before kissing her under 1 umbrella. ♥️ A few days later Yara is released from the hospital and on proper medication she appears to be in a right state of mind. She goes to a cafe with Teuta where she apologizes for her actions and asks Teuta to give her a ride to Trader Jones because she is going to return to work. Of course she is definitely NOT OK AND NOT TO BE TRUSTED JESUS MOZU THIS IS LITERALLY YOUR FAULT.

This is what happens when you let a psycho run around without making sure they take their meds

The crazy psycho bitch basically tasers both Teuta and Mozu and locks them up in somewhere so when Teuta finally wakes up she uses her powers to jump back in time. She runs to the cafe as some random dude and tells Watcher to call Mozu and tell him that “I’m cold and it’s dark and I don’t know where I am.” While Mozu is trying to reason with the psychopath while laying on the floor of the animal house basement someone comes to pick up a parrot. While she leaves the basement Mozu manages to free himself but pretends to still be shackled down while he holds a pipe behind him as a weapon. Mozu uses psychology to basically talk her into admitting what she did and she basically says she drugged up Teuta on sleeping meds so she never “wakes up” and she threw her in one of the Trader Jones delivery trucks to drive her out of state. Once Mozu hears this, he grabs his bag and phone and knocks the crazy bitch out so she doesn’t taser him again. Mozu gets out of the house and immediately calls Crow for help because Teuta’s sleeping body is in a freezer truck and if they don’t get her body out in time she will basically freeze and die in her sleep. They catch up to one of the freezer trucks and get the driver to open the door to find a crying Teuta. THIS COULD HAVE ALL BEEN AVOIDED THE MOMENT THE CRAZY BITCH SAID “WILL YOU BE HAPPY IF I GOT RID OF TEUTA HEEHEEHAAHAALOL ಠ⁠∀⁠ಠ”.  The stupid cow basically lied to the doctors and pretended she was ok but in fact she never took her medicine and was plotting all this shit the entire time. Teuta is taken to the hospital but released pretty quickly and Yara is arrested. Luka asks Teuta not to “feel sorry” for the wacko and just tell the truthful account of what happened. When Yara is brought in for questioning she just rambles nonsense because she figured she’d get caught and drugged herself up to try to kill herself. Luka also recovers Teuta’s lost notebook which is full of scribbles all over by Yara and yandere psycho rage about “what is the meaning of life” and Teuta’s last name “Bridges” crossed out with many lines.

When Teuta gets home Mozu apologizes for not thinking of Teuta’s feelings and getting her involved with Yara. He says he’s seen so many dead bodies from suicide covered in self inflicted wounds he felt like he had to help save Yara and stop her from ending her life. In the end he realized it’s not that he wanted to save her but he just wanted to make himself feel “useful” for all those who died from suicide. Some time later Mozu and Limbo go to the trial for the sensei gramps where he is requesting to be put to sleep until he dies because if not, he will basically become an immobile vegetable and be in pain the whole time. At the trial he says what is the point of living in pain and argues that increasing the morphine will inevitably cause him to die anyway so why not just go painlessly in peace. After the trial Mozu goes to a cafe with gramps where he tells him that he wants him to meet his “new family” and try out his cooking. And so after the judge agrees to grant him his request, Mozu brings his friends to gramps’ hospice room to meet the rest of the gang and to eat Mozu’s special gratin. After everyone leaves Mozu and Teuta go back to say goodbye and gramps starts crying wishing time would stop. 🥺 Not only that but he starts getting dementia and begins calling Teuta as Yuzu, Mozu’s deceased sister. Sensei falls asleep and soon as they leave they get an emergency call from the hospice saying that he’s fallen into a permanent coma and will not be waking up ever again. Mozu and Teuta rush back and after speaking to the doctor there everyone agrees to take him off life support because it’s what he wanted in his documentation anyway. As gramps’ life is fading away, Mozu holds his hand and says his last goodbyes to him. 😔

Grandpa… (´;ω;`)

This is so sad because basically sensei was the last “family” member for Mozu and now everyone he knew as a child has passed away. The next day Mozu and Teuta drive to Cumberland Valley on the edge of New Sieg, the site where his parents died in a car crash. He’s been avoiding this place his whole life and he remembers Archie holding his hand tightly when he heard the news. He lays on the ground saying he can now see the same sky his parents saw before they died. With this he is finally able to truly accept their death. Mozu then tells Teuta that he doesn’t want them to hold back their feelings for each other and says he was really happy when Teuta told him she was jealous and lonely. So then they kiss and I’m sitting here thinking the route’s over – when suddenly Mozu is jailed during some trial for defending the death of someone’s dog like ??????? wtf. Σ⁠(⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠) Give the poor boy a break already lmao. He’s released thanks to Limbo as usual (why is Limbo so great in everyone’s route but his own??) and they go to Paraiso Garage to celebrate. Honestly the entire thing was so sudden and random I don’t even know why they bothered to throw this in at the end of the route. And then Carmen makes the joke that everyone except Crow and Teuta have all been in jail at least once. 😅😂 Instead of going to Paraiso, Mozu goes to a church and while there he makes a wish to god with Teuta to never forget the feeling of being alive since basically everyone he grew up with around him has died. In the omake turns out the injured dog that Mozu’s coworker DaHee adopted was named Ketchup by Mozu cause it’s a weiner dog. 🌭

Bustafellows 2 writer: What if we just have a scene where we throw Mozu in jail for no reason?

In the 2nd Mozu related omake, Mozu has a chat with Helvetica where they both realize how they’re polar opposites in the way they handle anger and are then jealous of each other’s ways. For example Mozu gets angry at something way after the fact, meanwhile Helvetica gets pissed off and says what he needs immediately but sometimes regrets it. In the bad end, Mozu calls for help and gets electrocuted by Yara again. When she comes back for him, he tries to lie to her telling her that he “loves her” but since she’s a masochist she’s like nooo you are just like my husband you only say you love me when you lie!! In the good end he called her a half assed idiot and she spilled the beans like NOO ILL DO ANYTHING PLEASE DON’T HATE ME lmao. Unfortunately they don’t make it in time to save Teuta and by the time they get to her, her body has frozen to death. Because Teuta’s driver’s license checked off the box that they can use her organs for donation, Mozu freaks out and says he will not give her body to anyone as he grabs her body out of the hospital bed and into his arms. Damn this route was pretty rough. I was kind of annoyed at the lack of proper romance in Limbo’s but Mozu really got the short end of the stick in this one. The crazy psycho bitch cockblocking most of the route didn’t help and I was honestly so mad that he constantly had the “but we have to help her” shit when she had done terrible things MULTIPLE times. At what point do you stop being “forgiving”. I really felt awful for Teuta in this one and while I feel bad for Mozu and I got teary eyed when gramps died, I honestly liked him less and if anything, I think he needs therapy more than he thinks  he does.

It’s room wear!

Crow Miller – Warning, this is my fav character so incoming word dump lol. What I liked at the start of his common route is the fact that he’s a simple man: Teuta is crying about Luka and Adam, he cheers her up with her favorite magazine and a box of donuts. 🥰 Most of the common route I recalled the scenes with the other guys and honestly Crow’s were just the sweetest and my absolute favorite. ♥️♥️ Crow’s sleeping schedule is backwards from everyone else so he typically sleeps during the day and wakes up all night. He even has dreams that he’s this ikeman during a heist and Teuta yells “I love you!!” to him over and over🥹🤣 Crow and Teuta even have their own special hand shake and want to see movies together on the biggest screen in town. One day after Teuta and Crow leave the cafe for some reason characters from Sidekicks, Chika and Nora suddenly tumble Crow over and handcuff him. Teuta demands to see his police badge but he just shows her his Sakrada driver’s license lmfao. 😂 When they get to the police station Luka is laughing her ass off seeing Crow in handcuffs lmao. Apparently Luka had called Chika and Nora over to New Sieg to help her create a team to battle cyber terrorists. Luka had asked for their best cyber specialist but Sakrada was like if we send Shishiba we’re basically screwed so uh here’s Chika instead. (Also because then Shirai Yusuke would have to voice 2 characters at once 🤣🤣🤣).

Crow’s love jam sandwich ❤️

As usual Chika is dumb and constantly needs ELI5 on everything. Crow’s dad Kyle is helping as well and Teuta’s job is just to write a story covering this. One day when Crow and Teuta are having ice cream at his place, he confesses that he’s been going to therapy. He’s mostly been ok but says once in a while he has this bad feeling so he wants to completely cure his mental illness. So one of the cyber incidents is someone uploading a hate video on mov.tune site (it’s like youtube) and it’s immediately taken down. They have a talk with the moderation company Ms. McNair about why it was removed and she says they have an AI that flags all violent/hate/porn videos and then a guy manually goes through each one and if it really is bad they delete it. She claims that the guy receives mental care and is properly trained so he doesn’t have a break down seeing the 100th animal abuse video per day. After this, Crow takes Teuta to his secret hide out – a place that nobody else but him have been to up until now. Teuta is his first visitor and it’s some small room hidden in some back alley near Black Hawk. They end up having some cup noodles together and talking to Crow’s hacker friend (who’s just a teenager) Rawfodog who apparently once worked for Custos as a moderator. He says that many people who were in the moderator position definitely got messed up in the head and 2 of them hung themselves in the office bathroom.

I mean you took him to an abandoned place on the side of the road at night….of course he’s having dirty thoughts 🤣🤣

The McNair lady who claimed that everyone was taken care of mentally but obviously that’s a lie if 2 people killed themselves. The company didn’t care that the counseling wasn’t effective, the point was just to say they “gave the employees counseling” to cover their asses. Later at Paraiso, Juno gets harassed by randos so Teuta gets mad and throws water in their faces. Of course this is all caught on video and goes viral and Teuta really starts to get scared about how crazy SNS is and that people only care about stuff that goes viral. When she talks to Crow about it that night he tells her how he often acts like the “mood maker” but in reality he’s doing it for himself because if people laugh – it makes him feel happy too. From a bystander POV it seems like he’s doing it for others, but in reality it’s all to make himself feel better. Teuta realizes that maybe her only writing to please others is why she’s having a writer’s block right now and  thanks him for the advice. They end up falling asleep together outside on the beach chairs by the pool. 🥰 The next day Luka calls them up to assist her with a missing girl, Sienna Monroe, from a school who was bullied by her classmates on their school’s SNS. This is sort of connected to the last case because Custos was also supposed to admin that SNS as well. This is actually the school that Mozu’s sister Yuzu went to, and I guess since this is Crow’s route, as of now, Mozu’s sister’s body is still locked up in that underground dungeon by the pedo sensei…. 🥲 They even have a cameo of the friend showing up saying “I wonder if we can graduate together.”😭

Oh yea baby spend the night

With his dad’s help Crow manages to track Sierra on the subway, but he tells her he won’t turn her in and he knows whoever hacked the site is someone who’s a pro and she isn’t someone who would know how to do this. Apparently also Sienna is a lesbian and someone uploaded a video of her kissing another girl, and them and her mother were like “omg you can’t kiss women that’s wrong and gross!!!” Damn school fulla homophobes lol. 😅 So of course Sienna hates everyone at the school including her parents so that’s why she ran away. So then IDK why Crow calls Turtles Pizza and instead of ordering a pizza he tells Sienna to tell the guy that she kissed a girl and the guy’s like “uhh well congratulations would you like a heart shaped pizza?” 😂 This proves to Sienna that now there’s at least 3 people who don’t think she’s weird for being gay. Sigh anyway I’m sad this is even a plot line especially since, at least in NYC, it’s pretty normal and accepting to be gay unless I’m just not realizing how closed minded college kids really are. Anyway after this Sienna is returned to her parents and goes to receive counseling while they catch the real hackers and have Custos take care of their part since they failed at moderating this SNS. Despite everything, the homophobic students continue to rag on Sienna on the message board writing things like “did she jump in front of a train? I hope they push back our exams lol”. Chika can’t hold back his rage and starts yelling at the college kids demanding they admit who wrote all the horrible stuff. He yells at them saying that those words are a reflection of themselves and walks out fuming and Luka and co. quietly walk out after him. And of course it gets recorded on video and uploaded that night but Teuta tells Chika give it a day and everyone would just forget about it.

Dad stop asking your daughter’s boyfriend which part of your daughter he finds hot

To de-stress Teuta drives them to an empty area outside the city and Crow thinks they’re gonna have sexy time but to his disappointment Teuta just wants to lay on the grass and look at the stars lol. And then when cars come by she screams at the cars to get her stress out without waking anyone up 🤣. The entire scene gave me FFX Tidus and Yuna laughing scene flashbacks lmao. Gosh please I would have rather have had some cute cuddle sexy time instead but I guess that would be o/c for Crow but aaaahhh. 🥹 The next morning Teuta is irritated because she has to rewrite her entire article and even spills jam on her clothes. Crow knows it’s best to let her sort out her anger but he makes her TOAST WITH A JAM THAT’S A HEART SHAPE FOR HER LIKE WHAT A BAE. 🥰🥰🥰 She gives him a goodbye kiss as she goes to work and he starts babbling like an idiot in front of Helvetica and Shu. ♥️  After Teuta’s article gets better, she goes to a fancy restaurant with Crow to celebrate and they even dress up. Unfortunately  they get into a dumb fight because Teuta is annoyed that Crow only ever does what she says, and does everything she wants without ever putting in his own opinion. She worries that she’s “controlling” him and one day he would get tired of her and leave her. Their fight gets so loud the people around them are like “what a cute little couple fight aww 😚” 😆. Anyway honestly this whole part was so annoying to me and reminded me a bit of Shu’s route where Teuta just got immature and whiny for no reason. Like wow getting mad that your man agrees with you on everything? Really?? ಠ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ಠ It’s like the writers couldn’t figure out what conflict to add to this route since Crow is such a sweetheart lol. Crow is actually happy that Teuta thinks this because that means he’s actually done everything she wanted but says he will try to work on giving her his opinion more often. Turns out all the places Crow takes her to like the restaurant or the river edge were all ideas he got from Limbo and Juno and he ends up spilling the beans about it to Teuta lol. He then gives her a present where he paid money to name a star in the sky after him (Idk how this even works realistically speaking??) and tells Teuta when she’s feeling lonely or sad she can look up in the sky and think of him watching over her. He then claims that this idea was 100% his own and nobody else’s 🤣.


She thanks him and as they lay on the ground and hold hands she says she can see his “star”. So then someone uploads a grotesque video to Full Circle and since Carmen had let that stupid company also moderate it, and they screwed up, she wanted to have the site taken down temporarily. The other thing is McNair has gone missing and the last they heard was her screaming in the back of an altered threatening voice message. While driving back to his hideout Crow says he realized the hacker behind all of this is probably his friend Loaferdog who used to work for McNair and probably has a huge grudge against her for treating their moderators like disposable trash.  When they get back to Crow’s hide out, somehow Rawfodog is there IRL and he’s holding McNair hostage at gunpoint –  like wtf Crow how did he even get access to your place ??? Whut. Crow realizes it’s him because he keeps saying クソ and taking his meds like he usually does during their voice chat. Crow convinces him to put away his gun, and he then rages how McNair was busy protecting SNS from “bad content” but never protected their staff. He then calls out McNair saying they paid doctors to lie about the reports of the 2 staff who killed themselves, saying they had “heart attacks”. He goes into details about the PTSD he got from watching all the grotesque videos, and despite going to therapy and taking meds, he still has nightmares years after he quit this job. All these details set off Crow’s PTSD and he starts vomiting and then he tells Rawfodog that after he caused the Chicago blackout years ago, he actually was gleeful that he has so much power over people’s lives. Even though he regrets it now, at the time he thought it was the best feeling ever and says that there’s evil inside everyone. Crow then starts rambling that nobody understands him so Teuta has to give him a hug to calm him down, as Luka had instructed her a few weeks earlier. Crow calms down and tells Rawfodog that he should stop before he goes as far as Crow did because there’s no going back and that he’s been having nightmares for 7 years. Just then Luka and the police arrive because Teuta had a secret transmitter on her that when throw hard is basically a call for help.

Rawfodog ’s live stream reaches 100k views and he’s about to shoot himself in the head on live stream and when Crow goes to stop him, they get in a scuffle with Crow accidentally getting shot and instantly killed. Rawfodog is so shocked this happened he grabs the gun an shoots and kills himself too – all before the police can get inside. Teuta then immediately jumps back in time and lands in the body of some guy at the police station. She presses the emergency alarm and finds Chika and Nora, she tells them not to come to Crow’s place because it will surprise Rawfodog who will accidentally shoot Crow. I guess they take her warning seriously because obviously the heroine of Sidekicks can see the future. When Teuta returns, everyone is alive, and in order to stop Rawfodog , Crow pepper sprays him in the face and they get the gun away from him. Teuta tells him she knows that he wanted to kill himself in front of everyone because she is an “Eagle Eye” who can see the future. Crow makes McNair promise on camerae that she will not sue or press charges. They leave McNair at the hideout so the police only find her there, while the 3 of them leave town and listen to the news and she keeps her mouth shut as she promised. Rawfodog says he wanted to die, because he was sick of having all those nightmares. Crow says that he really only wanted to stop Rawfodog as kind of a way to ease his own inner guilt. Teuta adds that they both need to survive to play the next Mighty Leo game and watch live action Catman. 🤣 Rawfodog asks them to take  him to his mom’s house so he can see her one last time before he confesses to the police on what he did so he can also give them info on what Custos did. When they get there though, he sees his mother remarried with another kid all happy and decides seeing her from far away is good enough for him.


They ask Limbo to help with the litigation and that’s when they find out Rawfodog’s real name is Sonya Barklay. After everyone leaves Paraiso, Crow apologizes to Teuta about saying that she doesn’t understand him. Teuta tells Crow that she once changed someone else’s life when she jumped back in time to save Luka…but she doesn’t regret it. She still feels guilty about but she would do it again if given the chance. She tells him that she won’t hate him because she’s in the same position as him and he’s so happy he starts crying. 🥺🥹 And then he suddenly gets alpha as fuck and kabedons Teuta and makes out with her. 😂😂🫣 At the end the 2 of them are having a fruit drink in their swimsuits with a poster of a tropical sunset because their vacation plans fell through lol. Apparently Crow had lost his passport and Teuta messed up their hotel reservation so they got stuck as some crappy motel and came home early. They immediately get over their fight and start making plans for a world travel tour vacation 😄. Turns out it’s a “world” vacation in New Sieg they do all in one day by going to various places and eating different country foods. When they get home Teuta’s parents drop by for a surprise visit and Crow thinks her dad is the pizza delivery man. 😂😂😂😂🫣 He’s so embarrassed he runs out to the pool and sits out there until Sid comes out to talk to him. 😂 They both admit they’ve fallen for Teuta/ his wife because they were hot looking 😂😂😂🫣. Sid ends up liking Crow a lot and tells him to keep the loving Ally’s butt thing a secret from Teuta lol.


That night as a final part of their “world trip” he rents a presidential suite and entire roof top of a girl so he and Teuta can once again Tidus laugh into the night. After that when they’re about to head to bed, Crow figures Teuta’s fallen asleep and is like low key sad he didn’t get any action…. Until Teuta calls him by his full name and is like hey baby I’m still awake ಠ⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಠ AND FINALLY MY BOY GETS LAID. Teuta then tells him the next morning in bed 🫣 that if she dies she doesn’t want him to find another person to love and wants him to live and think about her for the rest of his life because she’s the only one for him. They cuddle and tell each other “I love you”🥰. In the bad end Teuta is shot trying to save Crow and while she doesn’t die she becomes paralyzed at first meanwhile Rawfodog shoots kills himself. Unfortunately turns out a piece of the bullet got trapped in Teuta’s blood stream and has created a blockage in her heart and lungs and she dies shortly after. Honestly I thought the Crow route and the whole idea that people really disconnect from terrible media online was interesting but it was really stretching out my time with Crow lol. That said I’m satisfied at the super cute ending that he got at the end – I feel like the other guys deserved something similar so I guess I’m glad I left his route for last.  Also while they did kinda hog some of the route, I was kinda happy to see Chika being an idiot and Nora owning him like in Sidekicks. I haven’t played that game in years but I do think the route is a lot more interesting if you have played the game and are familiar with the characters. In the omake they basically reveal that Crow is actually already internet friends with Shishiba but knows him as “Shiranami” 🤣🤣.

Where’s my Alex route? It’s ok he’s 28.

Final Epilogue – The story focuses on Luka trying to uncover human trafficking problems in New Sieg and the fact that most people who died in the big Basoalto fire 7 years prior were all undocumented immigrants. When they question one of the immigrants they find in the container she tells them about the fire and that a policeman spoke to them at the time  and that policeman was Teuta’s brother Zora. Even though Teuta knows how Zora died, she wants to know what happened in that fire 7 years ago that caused him to take the wrong path and become psychotic like he did. So a certain state attorney Catherine Campbell who was involved with the fire 7 years ago gets shot and killed so Teuta jumps back in time to try and save her. She ends up in Catherine’s body and before she gets shot she immediately jumps intot he water and avoids the bullet. Limbo and co do research and find out that Catherine was probably involved with police violence and hiding evidence, and tell Teuta she doesn’t need to risk her life for a random person especially a criminal. Teuta of course is like well by that logic I should have just let Limbo die back then since he was a stranger to me. Teuta also finds out from Juno, the influencer she’s friends/working with, that his mom died in that fire in Basoalto but he isn’t upset because she was a drug addict who would buy drugs from the Basoalto gangs and then come home and beat him. After she died Juno was honestly relieved to no longer be physically abused.

You’re the best bff Luka

Turns out that night Juno’s mom was high and drunk with her cigarette lit in her hands while passed out. Usually Juno would put it out so there wouldn’t be a fire, but that night he was so sick of the abuse he was like “nah I think I’ll let her burn in hell” and walked out of the apartment letting the fire spread. Guero finds out directly from Juno because Juno happens to have the coin that his wife Daria had. Turns out both his wife and child had died in that fire because while he was trying to keep them safe and away from the gang wars, it just so happened this building he told them to stay at caught on fire. This whole time he wasn’t making calls to them – he was just listening to their voice messages over and over.  Alex and Teuta happen to be nearby visiting the site of the apartment fire as well and Alex tellsTeuta that the policeman who was putting blankets over dead bodies after the fire was her brother Zora. After they hear the gunfire they rush and find Guero standing next to a dying Juno with a hole through his chest. Guero got so furious that Juno started the fire that killed his family he instinctively shot him. Carmen tells Guero that the fire was obviously not Juno’s fault, it was just coincidental with the actual fire that was set by Catherine Cambell at the next door abandoned factory to hide certain evidence and then passed off as fire that was started by protesters. Teuta can’t stand seeing Juno dead so she jumps back in time again and into Wolf’s body – Guero’s bodyguard who lost his voice that day. She makes it back in time before Juno pisses Guero off and tells him that the fire was caused by Cathering Campbell who was in cahoots with his dad using the abandoned factory for human trafficking and they set it on fire to destroy the evidence once she found out the ICE were beginning to inspect it.

Giant 6’2 tall man hovering over you

Guero almost shoots Juno again when he once again says he doesn’t regret letting his shitty mom die in a fire,  but then his daily alarm goes off with the voices of Luna and Daria and he ends up holding himself back. Later that day Juno goes live online, saying he began working as a stunt double because he was used to pain from past abuse. He then tells them how his mom used to stick her cigarette into his skin and burn it if he tried to take it out of her hands and she wasn’t “fully asleep”. So that’s why 7 years ago one day he decided to just let her sleep with it in her hands and let the fire spread. He ends up crying on stream saying this is his real self. A couple days later Luka calls Teuta letting her know she found a police report that was intentionally misplaced and hidden that revealed what happened the day of the fire in Basoalto. Basically someone used a home made explosive device to go off in the factory to start the fire because Catherine Campbell using New Sieg for human trafficking. Luka wants to bring this to light and arrest her and it’s all thanks to this report….that was written by Zora. As she reveals this tears burst from her eyes since he is the reason she got sexually assaulted. 😔 Teuta offers to do their “Friday Night” drinking that night to help get her mind off of this. And so Campbell attorney is arrested, and Teuta goes to the bar but as she’s talking to Crow (or whoever you pick as your boyfriend for the epilogue) Watcher (who’s this “journalist guy that can hear dead people’s voices”) comes to Teuta and tells her to go back in time and tell him to kill Catherine before she’s arrested. In fact he’s the one who initially shot her but Teuta had gone back in time to save her. Teuta refuses so this asshole (who btw I totally figured was an asshole) shoots poor Crow (again omg 😭😭 he just keeps getting shot in this game) and is like “so will you jump back in time now?”

TFW you watch your wife & daughter burn before your eyes

And so to save Crow, Teuta jumps back in time and lands into Luka’s body. When she talks to watcher she finds out it’s not that he “hears dead kids’ voices”, it’s that he was the one of the kids involved in human trafficking and was constantly abused and locked up in dog cages…so of course he wants to kill Catherine for doing that to him. It’s thanks to the fire that he was able to escape and be freed, so he’s actually thankful for the fire. He keeps hearing voices in his head because he’s so mentally broken and says that killing her will help him get over his trauma.  Teuta tries to talk him out of it and he ends up shooting her while she’s in Luka’s body. She comes back and Crow is alive, and everyone is drinking at the bar, but Teuta is panicking and runs to find Luka lying dead next to Watcher. He tells her to go back in time one more time to tell him about Catherine’s arrest to save Luka and even though Teuta is exhausted she agrees and jumps back a second time, this time into Crow’s body. She calls Watcher and tells him about Catherine’s arrest and when she returns to the present, the news Catherine has been killed and Watcher, who is not caught, smiling at the cameras. Teuta jumping back in time too much causes her to pass out and lose a lot of her memories. When Luka goes to see her, Teuta requests a brain scan and then starts crying that she thinks Adam is going to die and now she will die in the same way. Luka says they will not die and then asks Teuta to never jump back in time again. She tells her the hell with the human trafficking bitch, she cares more about her friend’s health than some criminal’s life. HONESTLY I FUCKING AGREE THOUGH. ಠ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಠ Man Teuta out there saving Luka and Crow’s life twice in 2 games lol.

Hey Adam check out how much fun I had in this game without you!

Despite killing Catherine, Watcher’s is sitting near the shipping containers saying he’s stopped hearing voices and then he jumps into the water (presumingly suiciding now that his work is done??) Some time later Luka is hanging out at Teuta’s room at Crow’s place and Crow brings a letter from Adam so they take a photo together and send to him. Meanwhile Juno’s popularity doesn’t drop and in fact probably increases after his live confession. Guero finally moves on from his wife’s and daughter’s voice mail and finally deletes it from his phone. After the credits roll Watcher is heard coming up from under the water so I guess he didn’t die after all lol. I was scared that Teuta wa gonna get Amnesia and it would be this weird bad end but that didn’t seem to happen at all ? Unless it did? Cause they showed this CG of Teuta going on a date with Crow to Sunny Island CG being wiped clean from her memory. So honestly I am not sure if that means her relationship status was reset cleanly or not 🙃. Also I really don’t get the deal with  Watcher – like what was even the point of having him in the entire story. They should have given more info on him throughout the game but honestly he just came off as this weird shady guy an the fact that he ended up being some mentally ill dude with trafficking PTSD all at the end was just like “oh ok?” Also Mr. Watcher you’re like 6’2 feet tall you should have just become a basketball player. By the way I did go through and do all of the extra scenes in the epilogue with each guy but it was basically copy-pasta. This is why I recommend to play this epilogue with your best boy first – otherwise it gets boring and repetitive.

I am totally having pizza for dinner today 🍕🍕

Other stuff: Alex, the kid looking guy who works at Paraiso Garage with Carmen is actually 28 years old and if you played the first game you’d see why. I’m not sure why Teuta completely forgot about this because it was revealed in the first game?? In one of the omakes he admits that if Teuta were to break up with her current boyfriend, he’d totally hit that. 🤫 Juno says he doesn’t like Teuta romantically. Adam wrote many letters to Teuta in every route and you can hear them voiced in the archives section. If you haven’t played Sidekicks, the voices for Chika, Nora and Shishiba are Adam, Sauli and Crow respectively. Even though Turtles pizza is slow as hell everyone likes to order because they basically let you put as many toppings separated on different slices as much as you want. The booklet in the limited edition box came with a diagram showing everyone’s pizza topping preferences. If you have the save file from the first game on your switch (JP version) you can see an omake where Luka and Adam are helping Teuta find an apartment to move to in New Sieg. While they’re talking at Penny Lane, she sees someone moving out so she immediately rushes to talk to the landlady to grab it. This is why the apartment holds so much importance to her and rather than get another place, Teuta keeps waiting for it to be “repaired”. From what it looks like realistically though that building will probably be condemned and completely demolished though. 😅 I hate the name Basoalto because in Japanese I kept reading it as bath salt lol. One of the omakes features POV from the cat watching Teuta and Mozu cooking lol it was so cute. 🥰 The cat then calls Turtle Pizza and orders 39 ultra tuna pizzas. 🤣🤣🤣🤣  During that part of the route my cat started looking at the TV too and then attacking my foot every time the cat meowed. 😱😭And finally, why does Juno look like a male Yurika? 🤣

Where art thou Adam my love

I’m glad we got to meet Teuta’s parents in this game because they were great. Sasuga good heroine has good parents! Teuta’s mom Ally is funny af but the dad Sid is hilariously old looking compared to the mom 😂😂😂 They both look like they came out of some 70s sitcom. Ally also said that she wouldn’t mind shipping Teuta with either Adam or Luka lol.  They both hate sushi cause they had some shitty sushi that made their insides explode once when on vacation. Speaking of Adam, I can’t believe Adam didn’t show up at all in the entire game except in voiced letters in the archives. We still don’t know if he’s fully recovered from his brain tumor?? Do we need a Bustafellows 3?? 😭 Edit: I just listened to the drama CD that came with the game and everyone was talking about making Season 3. Based on the open ended way the game ended they could absolutely do season 3 so here’s hoping. 👀

This cat made my IRL cat angry lol

Once annoyance I had were the multiple times choices in the game. I don’t really understand the purpose of them?? And even if you messed up you could just immediately rewind the text and go back to pick the right choice. There were also times where you had to just let the timer run out. It was really odd and made no sense to me so I honestly wish they didn’t have it at all. When I’m just relaxing and reading text, the timed choices just throw me off and annoy me.

what is going on with Teuta’s face

Not sure what happened with the art but Teuta especially looked so weird in a lot of the cgs. Actually quite a few CGs made everyone have really huge chins. I know that the character designer wasn’t the one who did the art but man some of the cgs really looked so weird. An example that really bugged me was the CG of Shu and Teuta eating food at the drive in movie. Teuta’s face was so long it looked really uncanny.

What was the point of “Bestie” anyway. Like  he was only ever briefly mentioned as having a crowd after him in a store but he’s never even on screen?? Why did they even bother making an entire character for him just because he sang the opening? The soundtrack was also kind of disappointing because a lot of tracks were from Crow’s Mix Tape in the first game and they STILL didn’t have the old or new Trader Jones songs wtf lol. ಠ_ಠ

Yurika as a male character without bunny ears

The play order doesn’t matter but I highly recommend to play your best boy last because the epilogue you get to pick who your boyfriend is, and its more seamless that way if you play his route right before.

Definitely needed more funny scenes with Teuta’s parents

Overall I did enjoy the game – except Limbo’s route which nearly put me to sleep. I feel like he was really robbed of any good cohesive scenes. It’s like the director didn’t know what to do with him and just kinda shoved in some side plot with his sister. It’s too bad cause at the beginning there was some cute scenes of a “realistic” couple with Teuta. As usual Helvetica and Mozu win the trophies for being the most shocking routes but I didn’t expect to tear up at the end of Mozu’s and Shu’s routes either. Crow’s felt a bit draggy but it really made me think about internet and viral video and all that and how disconnected people are when they post stuff online. I do wish there was a bit more romantic scenes, and I can definitely say the first game had way more of them than this one did. This was already more kinda like “ok they’re already going out” and it was a pretty realistic take on couples rather than the kind of stuff you see in Otomate games where the couple fights over making bentos and cleaning the house. That said maybe I’m biased but I felt like Crow’s route was the only route that did get those sweet scenes and it’s like damn well you could have given all the boys this treatment too you know???

Sitting in the passenger seat of this car somehow inflates your head

I would definitely recommend this game for everyone who played Bustafellows 2 and would recommend playing Sidekicks before playing this as well because it would make Crow’s route a lot more fun. They did leave the game pretty open ended so maybe if this does well enough they would consider another game. That said, since PQube fucked up badly with not paying people, the chances of this getting localized are pretty low unless Extend can get someone else to do the localization for them.